Angels Among Us: How to Recognize the Signs and Feel Their Presence


Angels have captivated human imagination for centuries.

Revered across cultures and religions as celestial beings embodying divine guidance and protection. Their presence is often associated with moments of profound insight, comfort during challenges, and unexpected blessings that defy logical explanation.

Understanding Angels involves exploring their role as messengers of the divine, offering solace and direction to those who seek spiritual connection.

Understanding Angelic Presence

Angelic signs are not always grand or dramatic.  They often appear in subtle, everyday ways. These signs can be seen, heard, felt, or sensed, and they often arrive when we need guidance or reassurance the most. By becoming attuned to these subtle hints, we can open ourselves up to the comforting presence of Angels.

Why Do Angels Communicate With Us?

Angels communicate with us for several reasons, all rooted in their desire to help and support us on our life journey.

Here are some possible reasons why:

Guidance: One of the main reasons Angels communicate with humans is to provide divine guidance.

They act as intermediaries between the celestial realms and our earthly existence, conveying messages and insights that can help us navigate through life’s challenges and make wise decisions.

Angels offer clarity and direction, nudging us towards our highest potential and purpose.

Protection: One of the primary roles of Angels is to protect us from harm.

They offer a sense of safety and security, often intervening in subtle ways to prevent accidents or dangers.

Comfort and Reassurance: Angels bring comfort and reassurance during difficult times. Their presence can provide a sense of peace and calm, helping us to feel less alone and more supported.

Spiritual Growth: Angels aid in our spiritual growth and development. They help us to connect with our higher selves, encouraging us to live authentically and in alignment with our soul’s purpose.

Healing: Angels are also associated with healing, both physically and emotionally. Their energy can assist in the healing process, promoting well-being and balance.

The Role of Intuition

Intuition plays a vital role in recognizing the presence and signs of Angels.

Our intuition is the inner voice that guides us, the subtle feelings and impressions that arise from our subconscious mind. When Angels are near, they often communicate through our intuitive senses, sending us gentle nudges, whispers, and signs that can easily go unnoticed if we’re not attuned to our intuition.

Trusting your inner voice is crucial when it comes to recognizing angelic signs.

Angels speak to us in a language of symbols, synchronicities, and subtle energies that our rational mind may struggle to comprehend. By cultivating a practice of listening to your intuition, you can become more receptive to the messages and guidance that Angels offer.

5 Common Signs There’s An Angel Watching Over You

Angels, often portrayed as celestial beings offering divine guidance and protection, and are believed to interact with us through subtle signs that reassure us of their presence.

Whether you believe in their existence as spiritual entities or interpret them metaphorically as symbols of hope and comfort, recognizing these signs can bring solace and reassurance in challenging times.

Here are 5 secret signs that may indicate an angel is watching over you:

  1. Feathers: Finding feathers in unusual places is a classic sign of angelic presence. It symbolizes that Angels are near, offering protection and love.
  • Numbers: Repeatedly seeing the same numbers, such as 111, 222, or 333, is often interpreted as a sign from Angels. These Angel Numbers carry specific messages and guidance.
  • Dreams: Angels may visit us in our dreams, offering comfort, guidance, or answers to our questions. These dreams often feel vivid and leave a lasting impression.
  • Music and Sounds: Hearing a particular song, phrase, or sound that resonates deeply can be a sign from the Angels. Pay attention to lyrics or melodies that seem to hold special meaning for you.
  • Light and Colors: Unusual light patterns, orbs, or flashes of color can indicate angelic presence. These visual signs often carry a sense of peace and wonder.
Developing Your Connection with Angels

To recognize angelic signs, it’s essential to cultivate awareness and mindfulness in your daily life. Here are some tips:

Meditation: Quieting your mind through meditation helps raise your vibration and become more attuned to the angelic realm. Use visualization exercises to imagine your Angels surrounding you with their divine light and love. Creating a sacred space for these practices can enhance your connection to the divine.

Invocation: Invocation is a powerful practice for inviting Angels into your life. You can invite your guardian angels, archangels like Michael or Raphael, or the angelic realm in general. Speak from your heart, ask for their assistance, and be open to receiving their subtle signs and synchronicities.

Journaling: Keeping a journal of your experiences, dreams, and any unusual occurrences can help you notice patterns and signs over time. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can also provide clarity and insight.

Practice Gratitude: Expressing gratitude for angelic presence and assistance can strengthen your connection and invite more positive interactions.

Angels are drawn to the vibrations of appreciation and joy.

Take a few moments each day to express heartfelt gratitude for the blessings in your life, both tangible and intangible. This simple act of thankfulness resonates with the angelic realm and opens you to their loving guidance.

Trust Your Intuition: Often, the first impression or feeling you get is the most accurate. Trust your gut instincts and be open to the subtle nudges and hints that come your way.

Creating an Angel Altar: An altar is a sacred space dedicated to your spiritual practice and connection with the divine. Adorn it with items that hold special meaning for you, such as

  • angel figurines,
  • crystals,
  • candles, or
  • images that represent the angelic realm.

Use this space for meditation, prayer, or simply as a visual reminder of your angels’ unwavering support.

Working with Angel Cards: Angel cards are a beautiful tool for receiving guidance and messages from your celestial guides.

Choose a deck that resonates with you and establish a routine for drawing cards and reflecting on their meanings. Over time, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the angelic language and be able to interpret the cards with greater clarity.

Living with intention is also crucial in inviting angelic presence.

Consciously align your thoughts, words, and actions with your highest values and aspirations. When you live with purpose and authenticity, you radiate a powerful energy that attracts benevolent forces, including Angels, to support and uplift you on your journey.

Recognizing these secret signs of angelic presence invites a deeper connection with the spiritual realm and offers comfort in knowing that you are never alone.

Whether through feathers, fragrances, glowing lights, angel numbers, or acts of kindness, Angels communicate their love and support in myriad ways. Embrace these signs with an open heart, trusting in the unseen guidance and protection of Angels watching over you on your journey through life.


In this private, 3-session virtual mentorship, bring your most pressing challenges…whether they are emotional, physical, or spiritual.

Together, we will call on specific Archangels to provide

  • the guidance
  • healing
  • and support you need, all from the comfort and privacy of your own space.

I’ll offer practical solutions you can start implementing right away, helping you to transform these challenges with divine assistance.

Key Benefits:

  1. Personalized Angelic Guidance: Each solution is uniquely tailored to your life situation, offering support that resonates deeply with your individual needs.
  2. Immediate Actionable Steps: After each session, you’ll walk away with clear, step-by-step action plan that you can implement right away to create positive shifts in your life.
  3. Empowered Connection: Learn how to call on the Angels yourself, empowering you to maintain your connection and receive ongoing guidance, long after the sessions.
  4. Holistic Approach: Solutions may include a mix of energetic clearing, intuitive practices, and spiritual insights to address emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges.
  5. Lifetime Tools: Gain angelic affirmations, meditations, or energy practices that you can use continuously to keep your life aligned and balanced.


  • Where: Live on Zoom (Includes 3 Live Sessions)
  • Investment: $297

👉 Contact me at to register or for more information.


Yvonne Cote is a Holistic Wellness Practitioner, Spiritual Mentor and Published Author who holds certifications as an Angel Guide, a Moonologist, Numerologist, and Colour Intuitive.  She’s also a Reiki Master and a Crystal Healer.

Today, Yvonne specializes in empowering empathic women to break through the barriers of energetic blocks, and to ignite their intuition through spiritual wisdom, unlocking their innate divine power, while embarking on a journey towards self-discovery and healing.

Yvonne also hosts the ‘There is an Angel for That’ Podcast where she and her esteemed guests, offer tips on clearing energy, discuss how to utilize chakras to bring balance to your life, and connect with your Angels. No matter what your situation, there IS an Angel for it and Yvonne can help you harness their power too.

Yvonne offers a free community for those looking to align more fully with their passions and purpose and create the life they love. 

She’d be delighted to have you join her in the Angels & Intuition Facebook Group here:

For more information about her services or how to work with her privately, visit Yvonne’s website:

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