Shuffle the Cards with the "Shuffle Cards" Button and then click on the card you are drawn to. |
Card 2
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You are in need of a physical boost to elevate your energy levels. Physical movement creates physical energy - go for walks, jog on the spot, dance to some funky music, wobble your bits – anything that creates movement in your body will begin to release negative stuck energies.
Your body slows down and you may develop back pain when it is feeling the stresses you have around your finances. Call upon the Red Angel of Miracles and Prosperity to surround you with her power and wisdom. As you call on her to be present, tell her your concerns and ask for guidance and clarity to create the miracle you need right now. |
Card 5
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This is a good time to open your heart to re-ignite the romance with your partner or to attract a new love. How much do you allow yourself to be loved? Love from the outside comes in the measurement by which you love yourself.
If you feel that your partner does not love you enough, it is a reflection of how little you love yourself right now. You cannot make them love you more, but you can focus on loving yourself more. Romance yourself as if you are the most desirable person and someone is desperately in love with you already. Do all the things you would do when you first fall in love, change your clothes, hairstyle, de-clutter your home and freshen it with new colours, go dancing, buy flowers or join a health club. Call on the Pink Angel of Love and Partnership to guide you in attracting greater love into your life. She will help you love yourself unconditionally and help you attract your twin flame who is waiting to love you unconditionally. |
Card 8
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Have you been wondering why your wishes don’t come true? Why the visions of a brighter future are not happening? Whenever we request something new in our life, the universe always answers YES. But it finds it cannot deliver the dream into your reality because you still hold a pattern that says ‘I don’t deserve it because I am not good enough’ or perhaps a pattern of ‘guilt in receiving too much’.
When manifesting your dreams, open up to receiving them with the full knowledge that it is your divine birth right. God did not say go to the planet and suffer and live in limit and lack. God said go and play, it is paradise. Find a fun way to write down all your wishes, use colour inks, paint images, create vision boards, and hand them over to the Coral Angel of Magic and Manifestation and ask her to remove any blocks you have in receiving them. Coral Angel will help you love yourself enough to receive. |
Card 12
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The energy of this angelic being instantly clears away negativity and puts you in a place where you feel you have power to make decisions. You have reached a stage on your journey where you are asked to step up and become more visible with your work and teachings.
Your work is a reflection and action of who you are. If you love what you do, your entire being exists in that state of love. That love is then what you offer the world through your work and actions. You are safe to expand your ideas and become a leader and all limitations are now being removed. Take a last look at how small you have kept yourself and step into your power and let the world see who you have become. Your brave step into the golden light will ensure success, financial stability and more abundance than you could possibly imagine. The world is waiting for you to share with humanity your power and love. |
Card 16
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Are you stressed because there is a test or exam coming up? Are you facing decisions and feeling confused about the choices on offer? This mental stress has an impact on your stomach and often felt as ‘butterflies’.
The yellow angel will help you with your studies, help you to remember the information and settle the nervous feeling in your solar plexus. Yellow is the colour that helps you to analyse and focus your mind clearly. The Yellow Angel will help clear any confusion and fear you feel right now. You are bright and highly intelligent. You have the ability to find unique ways to solve problems and have strong leadership skills. Write down your ideas and thoughts and open up to opportunities to share them. Balance your work time with serious play time and you will stay relaxed enough to invent and action your brilliant new idea. |
Card 20
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Green is the colour that is neither hot nor cold, it is perfect balance. Mother Nature has chosen green as her face to the world, her green heart reflected to all beings on the planet through green fields and forests.
What area of your life would you like to create balance in? Your work, relationships, finances or maybe your health? Call on the presence of the green angel to calm you and help you work from your heart space to make all the changes you desire. She will also help you find lost items. Spending quiet time in nature surrounded by green trees and plants will instantly rejuvenate your energy levels. You need your own space right now, create a place and time that is just for you where you can feel balanced and harmonious, even if it means putting a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door! |
Card 26
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Lately you have been feeling unsafe and vulnerable. Remember that you are part of the all-ness, part of the energy that is creation – it is all one. Nothing exists that is not of the same source of energy. If we feel fear that something or someone will hurt us, we are saying that we fear creation itself.
There is nothing to fear, no one wants to hurt you – however, based on your inherited cellular programming, your fears will feel real and your co-creating powers can use those fears to manifest situations where you may feel vulnerable. While you are learning about your creative power and to manifest only positive experiences, you are protected by the angelic realms. You will stay protected and safe until you have released those patterns from your cells and you have no further need to create fearful situations in your life. Call on the Blue Angel to protect every aspect of your life and help you release fearful thoughts. |
Card 31
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The Platinum angel holds the energy of the golden earth combined with the energy of the silver stars in unity – Heaven and Earth as one. She offers you a glimpse into the future and allows your body to feel the vibration of a new you.
Visualise who you want to become as a being that is standing right next to you. Stretch your hand out and touch that being. Sense how much more power and love that being holds and how that light being has healed all issues of separation – that being knows itself as one with all of creation. That future being is love. Now step sideways into that being and allow yourself a moment to feel the future you. How does that feel? What message can you feel being transmitted to you? When you are done, you can step out, or you can stay with that being, claiming all of your magnificence right now. |
Card 33
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Forgiveness creates transformation. There is a person and event that needs to be forgiven unconditionally. Begin to look at the situation as a lesson from your soul. What did you learn from the experience? Did you learn what it felt like to be insignificant and powerless? Did you learn
about fear? Not being loved? Were you shown where you give your power away? Every stressful situation teaches us more about ourselves, and someone had to be the ‘baddy’ to teach us the lessons. What if the person who hurt you the most was at a soul level the one who loved you enough to give you the lesson? Radical forgiveness and the acceptance of the gift it gave you will instantly remove the blocks you feel right now. Ask the Lilac Angel to show you where and to whom the forgiveness is still needed. It will set you free. |
Card 35
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You have reached the perfect moment to action your plans and make the changes you desire. Trying to delay or procrastinate further is only because you still lack confidence in your own power. You are already perfect and the plan is already perfect, just do it.
As you put into action what you have thought of for so long, you will be guided step by step where to make alterations, add new concepts or cancel the bits that don’t work. You are divinely guided by the Archangel Metatron that sees the past, present and future all at once. Connect with Metatron and he will bring you into the moment of now and help you focus on the task with joy as you create all that you desire. Metatron will support all your healing and teaching work and help build your vision for a joyful future through the activities of the now moments. He folds time and ensures you meet your deadlines and commitments. |
Card 42
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Gratitude powers generosity and greater abundance. Take time to look at how all your needs are met and give thanks for the insights, guidance, healing, finances, love, sanctuary, events and people who have helped you become a light worker.
As you tap daily into gratitude, you will feel more generous to give and receive and step into grace. When you are in a state of grace all your decisions come from your authentic higher self. You are now in a state of grace and have the clarity to see your way forward. Any decision you make will turn out perfect for you. Surrender into the plan that has already happened in the future, step into the light, there is nothing to fear. The angel of grace will help you to be clear about your choices and to move forward with grace and ease. She will help you de-clutter all your spaces and shine a light on any issue that feels dark and heavy. She reminds you that you are limitless and anything is now possible. |